Generative Design and Interactive Web Design
Generative Design and Interactive Web DesignUsing the NodeBox Live Tool
In this course participants learn NodeBox Live for creating interactive content in the field of art/design for websites (and beyond).
The assignment forces the students to think of generative design projects.
Students learn how all the parameters in a design algorithm can be used to alter the design and to generate multiple versions within their chosen limits.
They implement their work in a website where users can play with the provided parameters and limits.
The node-based approach allows students with no previous coding skills to quickly code their own ideas. The output can be single works of art/design, or infinite variations or animations or interactive digital work.
The workshop is focused on learning a tool which makes coding accessible for non-coders. Because it is node-based students can start coding after a few hours of introduction.
Quick successes make the students eager to dive deeper.
From the second day on students start developing their own project ideas.
Every day the continued courses focus on solutions for the students projects. Classroom discussions and individual help lead to a public presentation on the last day of the workshop. Students are empowered with the knowledge of the tool and can start implementing it in their own practice. Students are able to build an interactive website featuring generative art/design work.
Tasks and specific work steps
1, Intro presentation about NodeBox Live
2, Half a day introduction kickstart course
3, Each participant presents first ideas for own project, followed by a discussion
4, Half a day follow up courses on day 2, 3 and 4, related to specific solutions for students projects
5, Group presentation with progress/problems and individual tutoring/help on days 2,3,4 and 5
6, Public presentation and feedback on day 5
Content Production
— Learning and Experimenting with new programming tool, first contact with concept of generative art/design/coding.
— Develop own ideas in the context of generative design/webdesign
— Make live interactive website or generative system for creating own artwork/design
— Present their work publicly