Artificial Art and Digital Exhibition

by Annabelle Strahl

This teaching concept deals with the topics of authorship and exhibiting. In addition to discussing the notion of “artist” and questions about AI-generated art (, it also provides insights into the various steps involved in making an exhibition. Collaboratively, the collected expertise will then be applied to organizing an online exhibition using an online tool (on

This project explores questions of authorship and exhibiting: Can an image generated online be art? Who is the author of an artwork? Do artworks need authorship? How does a digital exhibition differ from an analog one? What makes an exhibition an exhibition?

As a collective, the class realizes a digital exhibition of their own images and AI-generated artworks ( It serves as a starting point not only to discuss questions of the exhibits’ authorship, but also to talk about the various organizational layers of exhibiting, both online or offline:
In a group discussion the individual aspects of curating/exhibiting such as – finding an original concept, artist support, questions in regard to the exhibition space and production, text work, ideas for an opening event, media reception and follow-up etc. – are collected and revalued. To follow up, the various tasks are then used to organize the online exhibition. The class can be divided into smaller groups, each taking responsibility for certain stages of the process (e.g. labeling, texts, documentation, opening speech, communication etc.), thus gathering experience in collective exhibiting.

  • Discussion: What does authorship mean?
  • The students choose artistic works for an online exhibition with ART.SPACES by Kunstmatrix: a selection of AI-generated artworks on the one hand, works created by students on the other. Interesting questions that arise here: How can the students’ works be digitalized? What could be chosen as the exhibition’s subject?
  • Discussion: What is exhibiting? Identifying various work steps of curating and exhibiting
  • The collected knowledge is applied: AI-generated images and the students’ own artistic works are exhibited together; the exhibition is “opened”
The image shows a corner of a virtual room with a light gray wall modeled in 3D. On the wall, four very different abstract images hang next to each other. The caption reads “DIY AI: Artificial Art and Digital Exhibition.”
DIY AI: Artificial Art and Digital Exhibition

DIY AI: Artificial Art and Digital Exhibition © 2022 by Miriam Raggam-Alji is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Annabelle Strahl, studies at the Department Art and Education, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Author’s Encouragement
Both the web app ART.SPACES by Kunstmatrix and the website are very hands-on to use. Engaging with them can be a starting point for discussing issues such as authorship and exhibiting as art practice in class. Everything that is discussed can then be applied practically, divided into different tasks.